The Jewish Heritage Center & Greenwald Caterers
Rosh Hashana: Oct. 2-6 2024
Delta Hotel by Marriott, Woodbridge N.J.
(in formation)
We feature a full range of Shiurim (including Daf Yomi) & Lectures given by Renowned Speakers and Magidei Shiurim throughout Yom Tov. The Directors and Rabbonim of the Jewish Heritage Center, Rabbi Naftali Portnoy and Rabbi Moshe Turk, both popular speakers among secular and learned audiences throughout the United States, Canada and Eretz Yisrael spearhead a talented staff of renowned speakers and magidei shiurim presenting shiurim and inspiring talks. throughout Yom Tov.
Rabbi Naftali Portnoy has served as the Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center, since 1988. Together with Director Rabbi Moshe Turk, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 20,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 2,000 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Portnoy has a deep grasp of psak halacha and has conferred extensively with g’dolei poskin both in America and Eretz Yisrael on varied and delicate matters of halacha as they apply to baalei teshuva.
Rabbi Moshe Turk is the founding Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center. Together with Director Emeritus Rabbi Naftali Portnoy, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 20,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 2,000 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Turk is a warm and engaging speaker who has lectured to both learned and secular audiences throughout the country and in Eretz Yisrael.
Rabbi Label Lam, co-founder of Foundations for Jewish Learning and a renowned orator, is a popular Senior Lecturer at Jewish Heritage Center Retreats for many years. A former full-time lecturer for Arachim Seminars, Rabbi Lam has been inspiring businessmen and college students for Ohr Somayach International and Hamayan Institute for almost two decades. He brings to his lectures his rich life experience, a profound wit and an infectious love for K’lal Yisrael. His insights on the weekly Parsha are received by more than 15,000 subscribers weekly and can be found at Rabbi Lam is currently principal of Yeshiva Shaarei Zion in Forest Hills, Queens.
Leading our davening this Yomim Noraim will be our Baal Musaf, Chaim Kurz, as well as our Baal Shacharis Yaakov Portnoy. Their heartfelt nigunim and powerful t'filos have uplifted the davening of thousands of mispallelim over all of these years. Together our chazanim combine to present a set of t’filos on the Yomim Noraim that both captivate and rouse our olam to join in what is always a particularly powerful davening experience. Indeed, time and time again we hear from our mispallelim how they feel their entire year is different because of the chizuk they get from these t’filos on Rosh Hashana.
Baal Musaf